Knowledge Base

Nodes: Object


Nodes: Object


Object Nodes allow you to Create, Read, Update, Delete, set Relationships on, and Query the Entities in Schemas. This user guide will introduce each of the Object Nodes and provide instructions on how to use them effectively in your Flows.

Object Nodes

The Object Nodes that feature in the Flow Designer are:

  • Object Pick.
  • Object Create.
  • Object Update.
  • Object Remove.
  • Object Link.
  • Object Query.
  • Object Query Link.

Object Pick

The Pick node allows you to select specific properties from an object. This is useful when you only need a subset of the object's data, rather than the entire object. You can configure the Pick node to select the specific properties you need.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Object/Schema: A Schema object must be passed into the incoming Node Edges prior to being able to configure the available Properties.

Node Configuration

  • Properties: Select the properties that you want to pick from the selected Schema.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Dynamic Data Inputs: These are dependent on the internally configured Schema Properties that are selected to be passed out of the Node.

Object Create

The Create node allows you to create a new object. You can configure this node to set the values of the object's properties, which will be used to create the new object in the Schema. This node is useful when you need to add new entities to your Ligantic application.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Trigger: This is where the control flow triggers this Node.
  • Dynamic Data Inputs: These are dependent on the internally configured Schema Properties that will be updated.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure the Schema to create an Entity within.
  • Selected Properties: Once the Schema has been set you'll see a list of the Schema's Properties. Selecting these will add them as a Data Input in the Incoming Node Edge. Select the properties you want to be injected into the Schema.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Error: This is for when any error state has been returned from the creation of the Entity. You can handle the error state gracefully from this outgoing Node Edge.
  • Success: This is for when the creation of the Entity completes the execution successfully.
  • Object: A Schema object will be passed out of the outgoing Node Edges through the data context.

Object Update

The Update node allows you to update an existing Entity. You can configure this node to select the Entity you want to update and set the new values for its properties. This node is useful when you need to modify the data of an existing entity in your Ligantic application.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Trigger: This is where the control flow triggers this Node.
  • Dynamic Data Inputs: These are dependent on the internally configured Schema Properties that will be updated.
  • id: This is where the unique id of the Entity you've configured can be passed in. This will ensure that the appropriate Entity from a Schema is Updated/Removed/Linked.

Node Configuration

  • Properties: Configure the Schema to update an Entity within.
  • Selected Properties: Once the Schema has been set you'll see a list of the Schema's Properties. Selecting these will add them as a Data Input in the Incoming Node Edge. Select the properties you want to be updating in the Entity.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Error: This is for when any error state has been returned from the update action. You can handle the error state gracefully from this outgoing Node Edge.
  • Success: This is for when the update action completes the execution successfully.
  • Object: A Schema object will be passed out of the outgoing Node Edges through the data context.

Object Remove

The Remove node allows you to remove an Entity. You can configure this node to select the Entity you want to delete, which will remove the entity from the Schema. You first need to query the Schema to make sure you select the correct Entity to remove. This node is useful when you need to remove an entity from your Ligantic application.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Trigger: This is where the control flow triggers this Node.
  • Dynamic Data Inputs: These are dependent on the internally configured Schema Properties that will be updated as Variables are added. The "id" incoming Node Edge is a default addition but has been configured through the Variables.
  • id: This is where the unique id of the Entity you've configured can be passed in. This will ensure that the appropriate Entity from a Schema is Removed.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure the Schema to delete the Entity from within.
  • Query: Configure a query of the Schema by setting the Order, Order By, and Limit the number of returning Entities. You can then Filter the results based on standard query inputs (Properties in the Schema, Relationships within the Schema, and operators "And", "Or", and "Not").
  • Properties: Select the properties that you want to pick from the selected/injected Schema.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Error: This is for when any error state has been returned from the remove action. You can handle the error state gracefully from this outgoing Node Edge.
  • Success: This is for when the remove action completes the execution successfully.
  • Removed: This returns a list of removed objects that can be accessed through subsequent data flow requests.


Below shows two example queries:

  • Variable Search (Left hand side): This shows an Object Remove node that finds an Entity to remove by querying the id that is put into the Node.
  • Property Search (Right hand side): This shows an Object Remove node that finds all of the Entities that don't have the "Published?" checkbox ticked and deletes them.

Object Link

The Link node allows you to create a link or relationship between two objects. You can configure this node to select the two objects you want to link and define the type of relationship between them. This node is useful when you need to establish connections between entities in your Ligantic application.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Trigger: This is where the control flow triggers this Node.
  • From/To: These incoming Node Edges are expecting the unique id of the Entity in the format of a string to be passed in for both the "From" and "To" Entities.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure the Schema to set the Relationship in.
  • Relationship: Select the Relationship that has been configured in the Schema.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Error: This is for when any error state has been returned from the linking action. You can handle the error state gracefully from this outgoing Node Edge.
  • Success: This is for when the linking action completes the execution successfully.

Object Query

The Query node allows you to query for objects based on specific criteria. You can configure this node to select the Schema and set the query parameters, which will return the objects that match the specified criteria. This node is useful when you need to retrieve a subset of entities from your Ligantic application based on certain conditions.

Incoming Node Edges:

Dynamic Data Inputs: These are dependent on the internally configured Variables that will be updated if one is added..

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure the
  • Properties: Select the properties that you want to pick from the selected/injected Schema.
  • Details: Configure the Schema to query the Entity from within.
  • Query: Configure a query of the Schema by setting the Order, Order By, and Limit the number of returning Entities. You can then Filter the results based on standard query inputs (Properties in the Schema, Relationships within the Schema, and operators "And", "Or", and "Not").

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Results: This returns a list of Entities that have matched the query.

Object QueryLink

The QueryLink node allows you to link objects by setting a Relationship. You can configure this node to select the object you want to start from and the type of relationship you want to follow, which will return the linked objects. This node is useful when you need to retrieve entities that are connected to a specific object in your Ligantic application.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • From/To: These incoming Node Edges are expecting the unique id of the Entity in the format of a string to be passed in for both the "From" and "To" Entities.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Select the Schema that has the Relationship already configured and then select the specific relationship that you want to add to from the newly populated select.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • From/To: These will publish the unique id of the Entities in the format of a string for both the "From" and "To" Entities.

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