Knowledge Base

Space Settings


Space Settings


The Space Settings in Ligantic allow you to configure and manage your digital workspace. This user guide will cover the various topics and components that make up the Space Settings, helping you to effectively set up and customise your Space to meet your needs.

Space Configuration

The Space Configuration section allows you to manage the core settings of your Space, including the title, name, parent Space (if organised hierarchically), access mode, and billing mode.

Access Mode

The Access Mode setting determines who can access your Space. You can choose between "Space Members", "Authenticated", or "Public" access.

Billing Mode

The Billing Mode setting determines how the Space is billed. You can choose between "User Pays" or "Space Pays" billing.

Space Configuration - Schemas, Flows, Experiences, Features, and Danger Zone

This section allows you to configure the various components that make up your Space, including Schemas, Flows, Experiences, and Features. You can also access the "Danger Zone" where you can remove the Space.

User Management

The User Management section allows you to manage the users and roles within your Space. You can create customised roles and assign them to users.

Role Configuration (ABAC and RBAC)

Ligantic supports both Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for configuring user roles and permissions.

Vector Context

The Vector Context tab allows you to view the labelled Vector Context within your space, which is a key concept in Ligantic's data management.


Ligantic allows you to use custom domains for your Space, subject to your subscription level. Contact for more information on custom domain needs.

Export/Import Process

The Export/Import process allows you to duplicate your Space, productise your offering, and add it to the Ligantic Marketplace (coming soon).



This field displays the title of the current Space. It is editable and can be viewed on the Space Dashboard.


This field displays the name of the current Space. You can automatically generate a name via the icon at the top right as needed.

Parent Space

This shows the parent Space if the Space has been organised hierarchically.

Access Mode

This dropdown allows you to select the access mode for the Space, which can be "Space Members", "Authenticated", or "Public".

Billing Mode

This dropdown allows you to select the billing mode for the Space, which can be "User Pays" or "Space Pays".


This tab allows you to configure the Schemas, Flows, Experiences, and Features of the Space.

Users and Roles

This tab allows you to manage Space Users and Roles. You can create customised Roles from here.

Vector Context

This tab allows you to view the labelled Vector Context within your space, which is a key concept in Ligantic's data management.


This tab allows you to manage custom domains. Note, this is only available on certain subscriptions.


This tab allows you to Export your Space. You can select the different elements to be exported, and a compressed file will be downloaded.


This tab allows you to Import into your Space. This needs to be from a compressed file that has been Exported from another Space.

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