Knowledge Base

Nodes: Control and Data


Nodes: Control and Data


The Nodes feature in Ligantic provides a set of powerful tools to help you control the flow of your workflows and access important data. This user guide will introduce you to three key Nodes: If, Literal, and Context.

If Node

The If Node allows you to add conditional logic to your Flow. This enables you to create branching workflows that can take different actions based on specific conditions. Using the If Node, you can define a trigger condition that will determine which path the Flow should take.

Incoming Node Edges:

  • Trigger: This is where the control flow triggers this Node.
  • Condition: This is where the condition being checked goes in. This can be a Boolean data type from a Schema (shown on the right below) or any data type that is being checked if it is null or empty (shown on the left below).

Node Configuration

There are no Node Configuration options for the if Node.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • If: If the condition is true this context flow will trigger. For the above examples, if the "Title" field does have content in it or the "Published?" Boolean is set to true or the checkbox is marked.
  • Else: If the condition is false this context flow will trigger. For the above examples, if the "Title" field is empty or the "Published?" Boolean is set to "False", or no, or the checkbox is unchecked.

Data Literal Node

The Literal Node allows you to input a literal value, such as a string, number, or boolean, into your Flow. This can be useful for setting static values or parameters that need to be referenced throughout your workflow.

Incoming Node Edges:

There are no incoming Node Edges for the Data Literal Node.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure the data type and set the value. The type can be set to "Text", "Number", and "Yes/No".

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • Dynamic Data Output: The data that has been set in the Node Configuration is passed as an outgoing Node Edge.

Data Context Node

The Context Node allows you to access data from the current Flow context, such as the "Requested By User ID", "Requested By Space User ID", "Space ID", and "Flow Execution ID". This can be helpful for retrieving important information about the user, space, or execution of the Flow.

Incoming Node Edges:

There are no incoming Node Edges for the Data Context Node.

Node Configuration

  • Details: Configure whether you want the "Requested By User ID", "Requested By Space User ID", "Space ID", or "Flow Execution ID" to be captured.

Outgoing Node Edges:

  • String Output: The selected value ID is output as a string.

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