Knowledge Base




User Guide: Organisations


Organisations on the Ligantic Platform provide a way for you to structure and manage your Spaces, Users, and Billing in a centralised and organised manner. With Organisations, you can group your Spaces together, manage user access and permissions, and configure billing settings for your entire organisation.

You can view your Organisations from your Settings menu or navigate here.

Creating an Organisation

You can create a new Organisation from the Organisations settings page. If you aren't a member of any Organisations yet you will be prompted to create one.

You will need to set the Display Name for your Organisation. That is the minimum requirements.

Once you've made an Organisation you'll be able to see and manage this from the Organisations settings page. For each Organisation you're associated with you'll see:

  • The Organisation Display Name.
  • The Membership Type you have (Owner or Member)
  • The option to Leave the Organisation.

Joining an Organisation

You can be invited to join an Organisation. This will show in the Pending Invites list on the Organisations Settings Page and in your Notifications area.

Organisation Management

You can manage the Spaces, Members, Invites, and Billing from each Organisations Settings Page.

Space Management

When an Organisation is created, you can transfer the ownership of your existing Spaces to the Organisation. This allows you to centrally manage all of your Spaces and their associated users and permissions under the Organisation.

View a list of the currently owned Spaces from the Spaces tab.

You can also Create a Space directly from here that will automatically be owned by the Organisation. When an Owner creates a Space they are able to set the Billing Account for the Space on creation. If no Billing Account is selected it will set to the default User Pays Billing Mode.

Transferring a Space

You can transfer an existing Space to an Organisation through the Config tab on the Space Settings page. You can only transfer to Organisations that you're a member of. If you're a member of multiple Organisations you will be given a chance to select an Organisation. Once a Space is transferred the Organisation will assume full ownership of the Space, including all data, settings, and billing obligations.

Member Management

Within an Organisation, you can invite and manage users with different Membership Types. Organisation Owners have full control over the Organisation (including viewing Invites and Billing configurations), while Members have access to the Spaces and Members tabs.

View a list of the current Members of an Organisation from the Members tab.

As an Owner you can:

  • See their Display Name & Avatar.
  • See their Membership Type.
  • See their Role (if configured).
  • Remove Organisations Members.
  • Leave the organisation.

Example view as an Organisation Owner.

As a Member you can:

  • See their Display Name & Avatar.
  • See their Membership Type.
  • See their Role (if configured).
  • Leave the organisation.

Example view as an Organisation Member.

Invite Management

Organisation Owners can manage invitations to join the Organisation from the Invites tab. Members cannot see this tab.

Owners can:

  • Invite Users to join the organisation. You will need to add their email and set a Membership Type.
  • View Users who have pending invitations.
  • Cancel invitations.

Note; when a user is invited to join the Organisation they will receive an invitation in their Notifications area and the Pending Invites section on their Organisations Settings Page. They will not receive a direct email or notification outside of the Ligantic Platform. To accept the invite they will need to have an active Ligantic account.

Billing Management

Organisations provide a centralised way to manage billing for all of your Spaces. You can configure multiple Billing Accounts, set the Organisation Pays Billing Mode, and manage token usage across your entire Organisation.

Every Billing Account requires a valid address. Before creating a Billing Account you should first setup an Address as you'll need this when creating a Billing Account.


Billing Accounts require a valid address. You can create multiple addresses or just one depending on the configuration of your Organisation needs. You won't be able to purchase any tokens for your Organisation without a valid address.

Billing Account

You can create multiple billing accounts for your Organisation. This gives you fine grained control on how to manage billing of Spaces (using the Organisation Pays Billing Mode) and allocation of tokens with different accounts whilst maintaining a centralised billing management.

Using the Organisation Pays Billing Mode, you can configure a single Billing Account for your whole Organisation or multiple Billing Accounts associated with one or more Spaces:

To Create a Billing Account you'll need:

  • Name (this is a display name that will be shown when choosing which account to associate with a billing mode in other areas of the Platform).
  • Tax information (ID Type and Value - these are optional fields).
  • Billing Address (this is required).

Billing Management

Once you have one or more Billing Accounts set up for your Organisation you can manage your Organisations Tokens. You can read more about the Ligantic Token System in our Billing Knowledge Base Article.

As an Owner you can:

  • Update the Billing Account details (Name, Tax Information, Billing Address).
  • Purchase Tokens
  • View Token current balance and percentage used.
  • View Token information (Identifier and created date).
  • Show Usages (this shows a list of usages that have been charged to this Billing Account's Token and shows the date and time, id, token usage amount, a link to the usage, and the type of usage).

This tab gives you centralised and fine-grain reporting and control over the Token and billing across your entire organisation.

Billing Mode: Organisation Pays

For Spaces owned by the Organisation, Owners can set the Billing Mode of a Space to Organisation Pays from the Config tab in the Space Settings page. Setting the Billing Mode to Organisations Pays will show an option to select a specific Billing Account.

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